Oops, I did it again. Myspace. Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. Pinterest. and now a BLOG. Social Media sucks you in. Well it obviously sucked me in, and whoever else is reading this thing. Oh wassup mom. So I have decided to start a personal blog. My most recent blog was of my experiences in India. DOT. I was looking at it the other day and realized what an amazing journal it is. So many wonderfully crazy things are happening in my life as we speak... so I figured it would be a good idea to start writing it down. Share it with whoever cares. So this is the start of my blog. I'm no master pinterest crafter. I'm no Rachel Ray. Nor am I a professional photographer or model. I am just Carlee being Carlee. I live in a cute little condo in Provo where I go to school and play soccer. My boyfriend happens to be my best friend. Head over heels. I have an amazing family and friends whom I adore. I want to share all the memories being created, and hopefully one day I'll write something cool enough to make you come back for more.
I love reading blogs, so keep up the good work! I do think it is a great journal keeping method and so fun to look back on! Hope you don't mind your future Aunt reading your posts!